How does a student register for driver education?
We have three convenient ways to register. - Register on our website via the SERVICES page, Visit our Office at 406 S. Medford Drive in Lufkin, Tx – or call CDS at 936.624.9259.
Where are Carlton Driving School courses offered?
Carlton Driving School (CDS) serves all of Texas. Any Texas resident may enroll in our online classroom and defensive driving courses. Residents of Angelina and Shelby Counties and surrounding communities may enroll in our Behind-the-Wheel and DPS Road Test services.
Minor and Adult Driver Education FAQs
Adult Driver Education

Follow progress of your program, schedule lessons, pay balances and more, from any device.

In car evaluations sent to parents and students as soon as instructor completes the lessons.

Students and parents can access student information 24/7 from the Student Portal.